92 research outputs found

    Checklist of aphyllophoroid fungi (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) in boreal forests of Pinega Reserve, north-east European Russia

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    Herein we present a checklist of aphyllophoroid fungi of the Pinega Reserve, in the territory of North European Russia. We present 328 species from 158 genera in the checklist. Each record includes data on distribution within key reserve localities, the host/substrate association and the frequency pattern. Most findings are documented by herbarium specimens. A predictive estimation of the Pinega Reserve aphyllophoroid diversity, based on Turing coefficient calculation, resulted in an interval of 360–370 species

    A for-loop is all you need. For solving the inverse problem in the case of personalized tumor growth modeling

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    Solving the inverse problem is the key step in evaluating the capacity of a physical model to describe real phenomena. In medical image computing, it aligns with the classical theme of image-based model personalization. Traditionally, a solution to the problem is obtained by performing either sampling or variational inference based methods. Both approaches aim to identify a set of free physical model parameters that results in a simulation best matching an empirical observation. When applied to brain tumor modeling, one of the instances of image-based model personalization in medical image computing, the overarching drawback of the methods is the time complexity for finding such a set. In a clinical setting with limited time between imaging and diagnosis or even intervention, this time complexity may prove critical. As the history of quantitative science is the history of compression, we align in this paper with the historical tendency and propose a method compressing complex traditional strategies for solving an inverse problem into a simple database query task. We evaluated different ways of performing the database query task assessing the trade-off between accuracy and execution time. On the exemplary task of brain tumor growth modeling, we prove that the proposed method achieves one order speed-up compared to existing approaches for solving the inverse problem. The resulting compute time offers critical means for relying on more complex and, hence, realistic models, for integrating image preprocessing and inverse modeling even deeper, or for implementing the current model into a clinical workflow

    Development of an automated prototype of THz filter based on magnetic fluids

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    Many new investigation approaches or techniques that rely on THz radiation are emerging today. It requires the development of devices for controlling THz radiation characteristics intensity, polarization, spectral properties, etc. One of the promising approaches to the implementation of such devices is the use of ferromagnetic fluids. Earlier, the efficient operation of polarizers and non selective THz attenuators based on ferromagnetic liquids was demonstrated. The liquids used consisted of 5BDSR alloy particles obtained by the mechanical synthesis in a planetary mill or Fe particles obtained by the electric explosion, dispersed in synthetic engine oil. Magnetic fluids were controlled using an external magnetic field generated by Helmholtz coils. In this study, we propose a prototype of a THz filter based on previously developed ferromagnetic fluids. Filter consists of a quartz or polymer cuvette with a magnetic fluid, several Helmholtz coils and a control circuit. This device allows one to orient the magnetic particles and to create ordered structures in the form of extended clusters. As a result, physical properties of electromagnets were optimized for effective controlling of particle clusters; the control process itself was automated. Spectral properties in the THz range are studied for various filter states. For reliable continuous operations, the device was supplemented with a homogenization system, based on mechanical mixing or sonication. The developed device can be used as a polarizer or an attenuator for polarized radiation in the range of 0.3-3 THz

    Where is VALDO? VAscular Lesions Detection and segmentatiOn challenge at MICCAI 2021

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    Imaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease provide valuable information on brain health, but their manual assessment is time-consuming and hampered by substantial intra- and interrater variability. Automated rating may benefit biomedical research, as well as clinical assessment, but diagnostic reliability of existing algorithms is unknown. Here, we present the results of the \textit{VAscular Lesions DetectiOn and Segmentation} (\textit{Where is VALDO?}) challenge that was run as a satellite event at the international conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI) 2021. This challenge aimed to promote the development of methods for automated detection and segmentation of small and sparse imaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease, namely enlarged perivascular spaces (EPVS) (Task 1), cerebral microbleeds (Task 2) and lacunes of presumed vascular origin (Task 3) while leveraging weak and noisy labels. Overall, 12 teams participated in the challenge proposing solutions for one or more tasks (4 for Task 1 - EPVS, 9 for Task 2 - Microbleeds and 6 for Task 3 - Lacunes). Multi-cohort data was used in both training and evaluation. Results showed a large variability in performance both across teams and across tasks, with promising results notably for Task 1 - EPVS and Task 2 - Microbleeds and not practically useful results yet for Task 3 - Lacunes. It also highlighted the performance inconsistency across cases that may deter use at an individual level, while still proving useful at a population level

    ISLES 2022: A multi-center magnetic resonance imaging stroke lesion segmentation dataset

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a central modality for stroke imaging. It is used upon patient admission to make treatment decisions such as selecting patients for intravenous thrombolysis or endovascular therapy. MRI is later used in the duration of hospital stay to predict outcome by visualizing infarct core size and location. Furthermore, it may be used to characterize stroke etiology, e.g. differentiation between (cardio)-embolic and non-embolic stroke. Computer based automated medical image processing is increasingly finding its way into clinical routine. Previous iterations of the Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES) challenge have aided in the generation of identifying benchmark methods for acute and sub-acute ischemic stroke lesion segmentation. Here we introduce an expert-annotated, multicenter MRI dataset for segmentation of acute to subacute stroke lesions. This dataset comprises 400 multi-vendor MRI cases with high variability in stroke lesion size, quantity and location. It is split into a training dataset of n=250 and a test dataset of n=150. All training data will be made publicly available. The test dataset will be used for model validation only and will not be released to the public. This dataset serves as the foundation of the ISLES 2022 challenge with the goal of finding algorithmic methods to enable the development and benchmarking of robust and accurate segmentation algorithms for ischemic stroke

    Landmark-Free Statistical Shape Modeling Via Neural Flow Deformations

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    Statistical shape modeling aims at capturing shape variations of an anatomical structure that occur within a given population. Shape models are employed in many tasks, such as shape reconstruction and image segmentation, but also shape generation and classification. Existing shape priors either require dense correspondence between training examples or lack robustness and topological guarantees. We present FlowSSM, a novel shape modeling approach that learns shape variability without requiring dense correspondence between training instances. It relies on a hierarchy of continuous deformation flows, which are parametrized by a neural network. Our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in providing an expressive and robust shape prior for distal femur and liver. We show that the emerging latent representation is discriminative by separating healthy from pathological shapes. Ultimately, we demonstrate its effectiveness on two shape reconstruction tasks from partial data. Our source code is publicly available (https://github.com/davecasp/flowssm)

    Identifying chromophore fingerprints of brain tumor tissue on hyperspectral imaging using principal component analysis

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an optical technique that processes the electromagnetic spectrum at a multitude of monochromatic, adjacent frequency bands. The wide-bandwidth spectral signature of a target object's reflectance allows fingerprinting its physical, biochemical, and physiological properties. HSI has been applied for various applications, such as remote sensing and biological tissue analysis. Recently, HSI was also used to differentiate between healthy and pathological tissue under operative conditions in a surgery room on patients diagnosed with brain tumors. In this article, we perform a statistical analysis of the brain tumor patients' HSI scans from the HELICoiD dataset with the aim of identifying the correlation between reflectance spectra and absorption spectra of tissue chromophores. By using the principal component analysis (PCA), we determine the most relevant spectral features for intra- and inter-tissue class differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that such spectral features are correlated with the spectra of cytochrome, i.e., the chromophore highly involved in (hyper) metabolic processes. Identifying such fingerprints of chromophores in reflectance spectra is a key step for automated molecular profiling and, eventually, expert-free biomarker discovery